About Me

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I'm 20, for this year taking the year off studies to make some money. My boyfriend is on the other side of the world, despite that we're madly in love and all the hard work and saving and studying I do is so that we can eventually be together.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Still grumbling

Today was not the back on track day I said it would be.
It's that time of the month so i'm crampy and grumpy and craving every food in existence. 
And i've eaten close to that too.
Here's my pledge for the rest of the day;
- I wont eat the corn flake cookies mum just baked
- I wont over eat at dinner time
- I wont finish that solo on my desk, infact i will throw away the rest
- I wont have any snacks between now and dinner, or between dinner or bed.

That is realistic and fair and i should be able to manage it.

As for tomorrow;
- I will stay within my points
- I will get 30mins + of excercise

It's not the end of the world, it's just some food and drink.  But I don't want to be this miserable person forever, so I need to make the neccessary changes.  And those changes aren't even that hard or detestable :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey mate, may I offer some tips?

    - Get the cookies (or get mum to) put them in a non-see thru container, and hide them far back in the fridge/cupboard. Maybe ask her to please not make them, or give her a ww recipe to bake next time?
    - At dinner time, drink a big glass of water first, then dish up your meal on a bread plate. Put your knife and fork down between bites. You will fill up quicker
    - Get all the soft drinks out og your fridge, chuck them out, or put in the cupboard - then they will be work, and less appealing
    - If you want a snack, don't deny yourself. Grab a carrot, some pretzels, or an apple

    Set yourself up to win, not to fail hun. And believe in yourself! You can do it

    Shaz x
