About Me

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I'm 20, for this year taking the year off studies to make some money. My boyfriend is on the other side of the world, despite that we're madly in love and all the hard work and saving and studying I do is so that we can eventually be together.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Still trying to get back control

I'm still not quite there this week but today has started out well

I've been working different shifts lately.  I'm only a casual so i'm used to short shifts, and evening shifts.  But last week and this week i've been working 7am till 3pm.  And i foud i woke up at 6, ate breakfast, and was hungry again by 9:30am-10am - But I don't get a break untill noon.  So by that time I'm starving.  And I've spent all day on my checkout thinking of all the healthy food options i can buy - up untill 11am.  After that, i'm just thinking abotu eating anything, and as much of it as i think i can get away with buying without looking too ridiculous.

So it's a bit tricky to manage my hunger levels like you're supposed to with weight watchers when working just doesn't allow it.  Last week i was even able to sneak in an apple bar between customers, but this week they've altered the checkouts and i'll no longer be able to do that.  So i'm going to be starving for a good part of my morning. So i'm not really sure how to tackle this problem.  Any ideas would be appreciated.

Anyway, I think that's enough whinging.  I'm thinking of starting swimmign again, because by the time i finish work, i do feel i could do some excecise - but nothing which requires me to stand! And that rules out most forms!  I plan to attend a weight watchers meeting for the first time this wednesday.

I'm already nervous.

Also, here are some recent pictures from last weekend at the show.

I regret pulling this silly face in the first one :p


  1. Hey Liza!

    That long time before your first break must be awful! I work in an office so can eat whenever I like.

    My only advice would be for you to have something healthy on hand that you can eat straight away as soon as you have a break - to take the edge off the hunger, then you won't be so hunger crazed (sorry, this is how I describe myself in that state!) when buying food. Or, if possible, bring your lunch in with you that you can eat the moment it comes out of the fridge.

    Good luck with resisting the evil deep fried food!

  2. Hmmm Liza

    only things I can think of
    1. Do you get a toilet break or what happens if you need to go...maybe you could sneak some food like a bar
    2. What happens if you are a smoker...how do they handle that do they get a smoke break
    3.Maybe you could tell work you have a blood sugar issue and you need to eat at regular times...so you can eat at say 10ish
    4 swig on water all the time....to fill you up
    That is all I can think of for now...
    Good luck


  3. Thanks Kathie, if i need to go to the bathroom i have to call someone up to replace me on the checkout for a couple minutes - might be able to sneak a bar into my pocket before they get there?

    Legally, and according to our contract i'm supposed to get a ten minute paid break so they should be letting me have my tea break/smoke break and they might if i pushed it. But it seems i'm the only one there who knows how to read a contract so i would be rocking the boat and risking losing hours if i pushed it i think.

    And i avoid drinking too much water cause then i have to go to the bathroom and that means calling someone too! And i feel guilty for taking them away from their work, haha.

    Might need to me a little more selfish i guess!
