About Me

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I'm 20, for this year taking the year off studies to make some money. My boyfriend is on the other side of the world, despite that we're madly in love and all the hard work and saving and studying I do is so that we can eventually be together.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hello there...

Well, I've seen so many other great blogs on the Weight Watchers boards over the last few years and I've been feeling a little in need of support lately, so I thought I might give it a shot too.

So hi! Those who know me know I'm LIza, a 20 year old girl working on completing a degree in Psychology, human resource management and industrial relations. I've been overwieght my whole life, and I've decided I don't always want to be. My body as it is does not reflect who I am, and I want to be all that I am capable of. I want to be healthy and free and make the most out of life.

I started Weight Watchers in June 2007 (If i remember correctly). I lost weight fairly easily with the help of reductil. I went from 130kg to 100kg in a year. However, apparently, I didn't learn to change the way i was thinkng about myself, food, or my lifestyle, because when i was no longer able to take the drugs, most of that weight came back on in the next year, while i struggled with denial and didn't acknowledge what was happening.

I still struggle with an 'all or nothing' attitude. I will be 'perfect' for a week, and then terrible for the next, with my weight going up and down 2kg a week. And that's what i want to work on changing, i want to find a healthy balanced attitude to life. I want to learn to enjoy being active. And find a healthy life for myself.

I have some fantastic people in my life who are very helpful. I have good friends and family. My big sister is a dietician and desperately wants me to be healthy. She knows too well the danger i'm putting myself in, and I really really don't want to go down that road.

Right now, i'm not too sure what i weigh according to the weight watchers scales, i need to find a meeting that i can regularly attend! Working casual at the local store is great for money and convenience, but it makes making meetings difficult working different shifts every week. I'm going to guess around 115 on their scales though, and hopefully i'll have an official weigh in next week.


  1. Hi Miss Liza

    Saw your post on the ww boards and I'm proud to be your first follower!! I don't attend meetings as I live in the country and there isn't a suitable time for me. I have been doing ww watchers on line. Initially, I didn't really think it would help as much as it has, but the boards are really supportive and I have also found a lot of support and inspiration from bloggers. I really like the etools, too. Might work for you, if you can't find a meeting. Anyway . . . good luck. I look forward to following your success!

  2. Oh wow, Kaz got in first! I'm your second follower!

  3. Hi Liza,

    I'm in your shoes exactly! I go to my first weigh in on Saturday and I'm nervous to see how much I've gained. Good luck and I'm sure that supporting each other we can all succeed!
